Thursday, September 6, 2007

OptiMINDzation... Reformat Your Brain?

Lucky students of Stephen Pierce's coaching program have been given free access to volume 1 "Mental Maneuvers" of the OptiMINDzation series.

Honestly, my first impression was that I much prefer Attraction Accelerator and Attraction Activator, because of the music I find they are much easier to just pop on your ipod and tune out to. If I'm busy, I sometimes put the sound on really low and go to sleep listening to it.

Some of the other students wondered if there was something wrong because there's no music on this one, it's just the rapid beats. It sounds to me a bit like hearing a helicopter in the distance. One guy said it sounded like a old motorbike engine to him.

The information that comes with the audio helps. Here's what Stephen had to say which encouraged me to give it a go:

"This entire series of mental entrainment CD’s was created because of its
impact on my life, the fact that it’s proven and because it works… and you
don’t have to.

Rather funny, but true. The science behind the technology does all of the
work, all you have to do is push a button, close your eyes, listen and sit still
Yea, yea, yea… with all of the hyperactivity built up in most of us, sitting still
is like trying to move a mountain with our bare hands …they are both
seemingly impossible.

But I tell you what. If you take the time to sit still, you will be so reward and
so unbelievably enriched and more powerful that it will blow your mind.
You don’t even have to think positive. In fact you can personally believe it
doesn’t work, however if you use the CD’s daily you will be blown away by
how well it does work.

After trying it for a week, I wrote back to thank them for giving us free access to the first audio.

Here's what I wrote:

"Thanks Laura! I love Optimindzation - it reminds me of the Matrix movies when new skills are uploaded directly into the brain. I have been using Results Accelerator for a few weeks and I've told friends I feel like my brain is being reformatted. Yes, geeky term I know but I just can't think of any other way to describe it.

When I did an NLP course I really wished that I can just wipe out some patterns & limiting beliefs and maybe I'm delusional but I really feel that Optimindzation does do that. Hey, I don't mind - whatever gets results. "

The first month includes a free bonus Speed Reading audio course.

Click here to See for yourself what it's all about.