Monday, November 19, 2007

Wow, 50 More Seats at UYMG!

Hi guys

Did you see the email that there's now 50 more seats for UYMG?

Wow, that is so great because I felt bad for those people who missed out.

Here's the email that just arrived:

Dear Kerri,

I was able to get 50 more seats at the UYMG Sydney event coming up this week November 23, 24, 25! Woo hoo!

Squeeze em in I said, so let's get you registered today so you can take part of the awesome UYMG Seminar, something you DON'T want to miss. 3 Days with Stephen Pierce and hands on materials, WOW. Register today at:

Go now and register for this unforgettable event in Sydney Australia,

-- Laura Remeselnik

Impulsive Profits

2232 South Main Street, #421
Ann Arbor, MI