Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hear Newbie Rosanne Talk on Making $12,000 in 3 Weeks

Have I told you about a newbie, Rosanne?

Rosanne made $12,000 in 3 weeks and has been a great inspiration to us all.

A dear friend of hers has MS and cystic fibrosis and Rosanne wanted to help ease their money stress so that was her motivation. She did it without a website, just by using one of the techniques Stephen teaches. Now she's frequently making $1,000 a day. Rosanne recently shared her story (without giving away any of her secrets) to our Mastermind group and they were asking her questions for ages!

You can even download our Mastermind group recording - Rosanne talks for the last 20 minutes or so before we crashed the server and the recording is cut off. :)

Choose the Free download option.

Newbie Student of Stephen's Makes $1,000 in 12 days

I love sharing these success stories! I haven't met Gene yet but I so love hearing these success stories.

Miracle Happens!

I was so tired of not earning money from the internet, that i decided to jump on the first affiliate program that came my way.

It was on the 8th of November i signed up as affiliate for an options trading program and within 1 day i got 1 sale (USD$87 per month, recurring), on the 15th and 19th, i got another 2 sale of USD$87! (recurring)

And on the 20th, someone paid for the yearly subscription (so i bagged an additional ~USD$864 for my 4th sale - yearly recurring). Though recently someone asked for refund, I'm left with 3 sale again, but I made in total > USD$1000 in less than 12 days.

I am so grateful to be working with Stephen and the rest of Alpha Leaders in UYMG KL in October, immersing myself with the other successful internet marketers from various background has helped me realize and believe beyond doubt that it is very possible to achieve financial freedom through internet marketing."

Gene Kok
~ Options Trading Expert

Are You Looking To Change Your Strategy for 2008?

I guess because I see so much of Stephen's content my eyes kinda glazed over when I originally read "3 Ways To Whack Your Business Into Profitable Shape". The audio came out earlier this week and the title didn't grab me when I first saw it. I gotta say, I should know better than to judge a book by it's cover. When I started listening I was wowed. Possibly because it's the time of year when I'm starting to look back and review what's worked, what hasn't and what I want more of.

Are you looking to get better results in 2008?

If you're looking for a new strategy this is definitely something you want to listen to. It's going to trigger so many ideas for you.

Stephen is going to take you through an approach where instead of having your business set up as Copycat / Me too business or a Competitor type approach, you can really stand out from the crowd and have your own unique approach to your market. Stephen always talks about choosing a market you can win in and now he gives you a practical tools for finding how you can win in your chosen market.

One idea that was triggered for Nikhil (another student of Stephen's) increased his business by $70,000 A MONTH!!!

I'm sharing this with you out of order but I didn't want you to miss this. This has to be the most powerful audio yet I've heard on DTAlpha. ...

Click HERE to listen to this powerful 13 minute audio.

The Difference Between Making a Little Money & A Lot of Money

Do you want to know how to easily capture more sales and realize more profits from the same effort?

Wouldn't it be great to growing business from three figures a year to six figures a year?

"Never ever allow the buyer to outlast your sales process" - Stephen Pierce

On the latest DT Alpha TalkBack freebie for you guys, Stephen shares how to:

- Create a euphoric experience for buyers.

- Take clients from Action momentum - eg fill out a survey, request download to Buyer momentum

Listen to this free 9 minute audio by clicking here.

PS This audio flowed on beautifully from a 2 hour webinar that Stephen ran for his smart marketing coaching club students immediately prior to recording this free message on DT Alpha. If you thought those 9 minutes were great, just imagine what 2 hours is like! (And we've got another 2 hours with Stephen in a few hours - If you want to know what his coaching program is like, have a read of some of my early posts)