Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How To Create Physical Products CD ROM

As a result of eBay changing their rules about ebooks and other downloadable products, a lot of gurus are now recommending creating a CD or DVD so you have a physical product to sell your customer.


There is the option of having your CD / DVD and artwork outsourced. Two publishing services that have been highly recommended are: - Complete online service to self publish. Upload your files ready for burning. Create your own covers. - Professional finish for high end products such as courses sold at seminars. Fulfillment service available.

Or... Do It Yourself?

However, yesterday I bought John Thornhill's 90 Day Powerseller course and one of things that most attracted me to it was that it helps you create physical products.

John Thornhill shares his own Step-by-Step process on converting downloadable products to physical products:
  1. 28 minute video on "How To Create Your Own Interactive CD"
  2. CD Rom template
  3. DVD & CD Covers
The CD Rom template alone is fantastic because it is so interactive. Rather than your customer just receiving a boring ordinary PDF file, the disk automatically runs, opening to reveal a professional presented page with this menu:
  1. Purchased product
  2. Bonus items - Free ebooks filled with affiliate links
  3. More ebooks - tempting the purchaser with Resale Rights ebooks John provides or replace these with your own
  4. Earn Money - make money from affiliates
  5. Support
This gives you 3 more ways for you to sell to your customer!

You can customise the sections to your own needs, replace the products with your own (as shown in the camtasia video) or simply use John Thornhill's systems.

This is just a small part of John Thornhill's 90 day program. I'll be posting more updates in the coming weeks.

Find out how you too can join his 90 Day Success Plan Start Here ....

PS In my next post I share what's included in John Thornhill's "Create Your Own Online Store" template. Click here to read more

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