To the right is a pic of my latests stats.
Remember just two weeks ago I said I wanted to get to 700 unique visitors for September? As at early on 24 Sept, they were a total of 1,625 unique visitors - more than double my goal!
Bryan in my Mastermind Group has completely blitzed that, he had over 6,000 visitors in 1 day(!!!) to his site beatyourdepression.com
This is what I said in the Week 5 update:
"My unique visitors total is almost exactly what I had for August (26 days) and we're only 10 days into September. Based on this I expect to at least triple the figures from last month, that is get to about 700 unique visitors for September. If I can keep tripling this figure every month, that would be awesome. That would mean 2,100 unique visitors in October, 6,300 in November and 18,900 in December. Momentum is what it's all about!"
Stats - week 7 First 23 (and a bit) days of September:
- 2,280 hits a day vs 650 hits a day 2 weeks ago vs 341 in August
- 99 visits a day (average) vs 27 in August
- my unique visitors total is now 1,625 vs 231 for the first 10 days of this month (September)
- visitors coming from search engines and social bookmarking is continuing to grow and is now at 40.7% vs 35% earlier in the month and 1.1% in August
- My unique visitors total is almost exactly what I had for August (26 days) and we're only 10 days into September. Based on this I expect to at least triple the figures from last month, that is get to about 700 unique visitors for September. If I can keep tripling this figure every month, that would be awesome. That would mean 2,100 unique visitors in October, 6,300 in November and 18,900 in December. Momentum is what it's all about!
Well, I well and truly exceeded my expectations!!
Setting my next goal: I want to average 200 visitors a day by the end of October (I'm halfway there) & have a list of at least 100 people (I've got less than 10 so far).
This means doubling the existing traffic. I'm doing this by modelling success. Members of my Mastermind group are easily achieving this so I know by just following what they're doing I'm going to get similar results. In fact, maybe my goal is too low? It will be interesting to see.
My list hasn't been my focus so now that driving traffic is becoming very familiar to me and is getting easier and faster, my next focus is on the list. I want to give the people who sign up for my list great value and I've been a bit lost on that. Well, until the wonderful Alicia Pierce kindly reviewed my site and gave me some tips. So over the next couple of weeks I'll be implementing those tips.
Please post your comment and let me know what you think.
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