Yesterday I was brainstorming with my Mastermind group about lack of sales from my site. I'm really picky on what I'll recommend and I finally found an affiliate product that I'm happy to endorse. The ads have been up for over a week now but still no sales.
I'm getting plenty of traffic - over 200 visitors a day now but still not even 1 sale despite getting more and more revenue from adsense. (I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't even get paid for my own purchase through my own link - I thought maybe it was something to do with my cookies because my computer techie is really vigilant with my setup.)
I was frustrated. I was wondering if there could possibly be sales and I'm just not being credited for them? It's true! And I'm not the only one. We only had 5 people at our Mastermind group yesterday and 4 of them had experienced exactly this problem.
When I click on the final "order now' button and it takes me to the Click bank payment processor.
At this point in time Click bank should display my affiliate ID at the bottom, but it shows "affiliate ID=none" therefore I would not get any commission for this product.
Neil in our Mastermind group suggested I use Paypal's sandbox to test everything is working properly.
I'm off to try this now.
Contact the author and see if he either has a solution or offers his product through another affiliate program alternative to Clickbank like
Find another option. Give up on that particular product & find products where the affiliate link doesn't get cut off.
Funnily enough this morning I receive an email from Stephen's staff offering free training all about affiliate programs. Yes the cynical can say it's selling Stephen's programs but this is extremely valuable to me. It's so frustrating to spend lots of time and energy promoting products and then finding out there's a problem and you're not getting paid for (all) the sales.
Here's part of the email:
Now, here's a pre-lesson in affiliate marketing. This is a two-tier affiliate system. That means that you make money on direct sales of the product and you also make money from sales of those who sign up under you (1 level deep). So, in the spirit of rewarding our students, you will be signing up under a current student. This will be pre-assigned so please sign up at the link provided. The student you are signing up under will also be helping you through training.
I look forward to training you in affiliate marketing and working together to achieve success for all of us. As Stephen says "It's all of us or none of us!"
If you want to learn what I learn, click on this link and sign up as an affiliate:
Attraction Accelerator
(By the way, this is a product I'm very happy to endorse - it's really helped me make some big shifts in mindset.)
Hi Kerri,
I hope the fixes I told you about have resulted in some positive numbers :)
You should also consider doing your own product on this.
Shafir Ahamd
Thanks Shafir
Your help has been wonderful, thank you so much. I'm still not seeing results just yet but I am noticing using google analytics that I am getting a lot more people click on that page.
I am working on products right now and have just finished my first which is "Secrets to Having Beautiful Shiny Hair Forever".
All your ideas & suggestions are very welcome!
With appreciation
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