Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Feeling Frustrated?

I'm 7 pages into one of Stephen's ebooks, Paradigm, it's only $14.97 as a once only offer with Stephen's Optimindzation program. It's blowing me away it's so good and just perfect for where I am at right now. I've been so frustrated at times thinking I'm doing all the right things, why aren't I seeing results yet?

I am reading this ebook of Stephen's at the perfect time (there's an audio too but I'm in too much of a rush to listen to that). It's giving me a great insight into the shifts between where I am now and where I want to be.

Have you ever felt so frustrated you just wanted to know what the next step was? Just some clue to show you you're on the right path?

Stephen says he'd already made the decision to turn his life around & things still weren't going to plan. He had a vinyl repair business and tells how on his last day he had a job fixing a dentist's chair. Here's part of the story in Stephen's own words...

"I take this small little hole that should've only taken me 30-45 minutes to fix,
and I massacred the entire chair. I just screwed this thing up so bad. What I
did was, on my lunch break, I shut the door. I left. I left all the equipment
there and said, "Let this guy figure how to fix it.""

Man, I can so relate to this. I cringed reading this story. I pride myself on doing great work yet I know there've been times when I have been exactly where Stephen is. I'm so tired of working hard. Today I've worked 14 hours and I'm so tired my head is nodding while I'm writing this but I didn't want to forget how I'm feeling right now which is why I'm taking the time to write this right now. I am spending hours doing things and not feeling like I'm getting anywhere.

It's so encourging to read that Stephen has felt this way too. I actually thought that I shouldn't feel this way right now, that if you truly made a change that there would be some switch flipped and you'd never feel that way.

Well, like I said I'm only 7 pages in so I'm going to keep reading until my eyes won't stay open any longer & then I'll let my subconscious mind work on it.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kerri.

I just read your blog from July to date :-) I also grabbed the free mixx files from stephen pierce.

I had a couple questions for you:
1) How are the Optimindzation cds? I was looking at getting them, but the monthly program with different uses isn't quite my style...
2) What happened with your friend Warren?
3) What did you spend 14 hours working on? Do you have a full-time job as well as blogging and running your website?
4) What is your WHY? I take it you must be passionate about organic living. I see that you have goals about getting unique traffic and hopefully from there you will get x sales each month. What is your long term vision for yourself and your webpage?

Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope you reach your dreams! chad the rad dad

Kerri W said...

Hi Chad

Great to hear from you. Wow, that's so awesome you read all my posts. What did you think of the momentum mixx? I really enjoy listening to them, especially the original three.

Wow, lots of questions and I could take ages to reply to each but I'll try to keep it short.

1) Optimindzation CDs are just awesome. I've got no idea how exactly they work but it really does feel like they do physically do something. Have you seen What the Bleep movie? Remember how thoughts have a neuron pathway? My theory is that Optimindzation builds new neuron pathways to help me think differently. (My evidence: My friend Darryl actually asked me recently what I've been doing because there have been big changes with me in the last couple of months.)

For the first few months, I only had the Attraction Accelerator and Activator because I wasn't so sure about the monthly program then. Recently I got the whole of the monthly programs and I'm slowly working my way through them. (The Next Level meditation cd is just heavenly - 1 whole hour of what sounds like rain falling, I love listening to it!) I'll post updates on the rest as I listen to them.

2) Re Warren - since he went to Wealth Mastery he's been so focussed on a goal of his. (Nothing to do with internet marketing but he's doing great.) Ahhh... the power of focus!

3) Re: 14 hours work - yes I work fulltime as well as having fun creating internet marketing business ventures. (Plus I love writing articles & posts and sometimes spend way tooooo much time on them. I can work too much sometimes.)

4) My WHY. Excellent question. My big motivator had been getting the word out about organic living but I'm noticing that I'm not getting the results I'd like. That's when I realised I have a bigger WHY.

I want to create passive (or near passive) income streams of at least $50,000 a year that require minimal financial investment to create. THEN, once I've done that, I want to teach my Mum (Mom for USA readers) and sister how to do it too so they can do what they most enjoy without working themselves into the ground.

Now I'm doing joint ventures with fellow Stephen Pierce students and we've got some pretty exciting things planned & it looks like I'll be reaching my goal by March.

Once I've done that I think I'd like to teach other people how to do it too.

Maybe that's why I love sharing what I'm doing.

Chad, please share what you're doing, I'd love to hear what your experience has been.