Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Zemanta - The Cure for a Blogger's Blocked Mind

In Stephen Pierce's latest DTAlpha audio, he suggested 7 great tools for bloggers. My favorite so far has to be Zemanta.

"Have your browser understand what you are blogging about and suggest pictures, links, articles and tags to make your posts more vibrant. We are making blogging fun again."

I've just tested out the Zemanta blogging tool which I have to see is very handy. While writing a post for a different site it came up with:
  • Pictures to inspire
  • Articles for content suggestion
  • Links to insert into the post (eg as shown above with "Zemanta")
  • Suggested tags
It definitely makes writing a post a lot quicker and easier!

It's very user friendly, I just downloaded the tool from zemanta.com, restarted my browser (Firefox) and 30 seconds later I was trying it out. Couldn't be any easier!

Zemanta offers a plugin for Firefox that recognizes when people are editing a Wordpress, Blogger, or TypePad blogpost. On these platforms Zemanta then adds a few features to the interface, enabling people to easily add images, articles, links and tags to their blog post just by clicking the suggestions made by Zemanta.com.

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