Thursday, December 20, 2007

Are You Looking To Change Your Strategy for 2008?

I guess because I see so much of Stephen's content my eyes kinda glazed over when I originally read "3 Ways To Whack Your Business Into Profitable Shape". The audio came out earlier this week and the title didn't grab me when I first saw it. I gotta say, I should know better than to judge a book by it's cover. When I started listening I was wowed. Possibly because it's the time of year when I'm starting to look back and review what's worked, what hasn't and what I want more of.

Are you looking to get better results in 2008?

If you're looking for a new strategy this is definitely something you want to listen to. It's going to trigger so many ideas for you.

Stephen is going to take you through an approach where instead of having your business set up as Copycat / Me too business or a Competitor type approach, you can really stand out from the crowd and have your own unique approach to your market. Stephen always talks about choosing a market you can win in and now he gives you a practical tools for finding how you can win in your chosen market.

One idea that was triggered for Nikhil (another student of Stephen's) increased his business by $70,000 A MONTH!!!

I'm sharing this with you out of order but I didn't want you to miss this. This has to be the most powerful audio yet I've heard on DTAlpha. ...

Click HERE to listen to this powerful 13 minute audio.

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