Thursday, December 20, 2007
Hear Newbie Rosanne Talk on Making $12,000 in 3 Weeks
Rosanne made $12,000 in 3 weeks and has been a great inspiration to us all.
A dear friend of hers has MS and cystic fibrosis and Rosanne wanted to help ease their money stress so that was her motivation. She did it without a website, just by using one of the techniques Stephen teaches. Now she's frequently making $1,000 a day. Rosanne recently shared her story (without giving away any of her secrets) to our Mastermind group and they were asking her questions for ages!
You can even download our Mastermind group recording - Rosanne talks for the last 20 minutes or so before we crashed the server and the recording is cut off. :)
Choose the Free download option.
Newbie Student of Stephen's Makes $1,000 in 12 days
Miracle Happens!
I was so tired of not earning money from the internet, that i decided to jump on the first affiliate program that came my way.
It was on the 8th of November i signed up as affiliate for an options trading program and within 1 day i got 1 sale (USD$87 per month, recurring), on the 15th and 19th, i got another 2 sale of USD$87! (recurring)
And on the 20th, someone paid for the yearly subscription (so i bagged an additional ~USD$864 for my 4th sale - yearly recurring). Though recently someone asked for refund, I'm left with 3 sale again, but I made in total > USD$1000 in less than 12 days.
I am so grateful to be working with Stephen and the rest of Alpha Leaders in UYMG KL in October, immersing myself with the other successful internet marketers from various background has helped me realize and believe beyond doubt that it is very possible to achieve financial freedom through internet marketing."
Gene Kok
~ Options Trading Expert
Are You Looking To Change Your Strategy for 2008?
Are you looking to get better results in 2008?
If you're looking for a new strategy this is definitely something you want to listen to. It's going to trigger so many ideas for you.
Stephen is going to take you through an approach where instead of having your business set up as Copycat / Me too business or a Competitor type approach, you can really stand out from the crowd and have your own unique approach to your market. Stephen always talks about choosing a market you can win in and now he gives you a practical tools for finding how you can win in your chosen market.
One idea that was triggered for Nikhil (another student of Stephen's) increased his business by $70,000 A MONTH!!!
I'm sharing this with you out of order but I didn't want you to miss this. This has to be the most powerful audio yet I've heard on DTAlpha. ...
Click HERE to listen to this powerful 13 minute audio.
The Difference Between Making a Little Money & A Lot of Money
Wouldn't it be great to growing business from three figures a year to six figures a year?
"Never ever allow the buyer to outlast your sales process" - Stephen Pierce
On the latest DT Alpha TalkBack freebie for you guys, Stephen shares how to:
- Create a euphoric experience for buyers.
- Take clients from Action momentum - eg fill out a survey, request download to Buyer momentum
Listen to this free 9 minute audio by clicking here.
PS This audio flowed on beautifully from a 2 hour webinar that Stephen ran for his smart marketing coaching club students immediately prior to recording this free message on DT Alpha. If you thought those 9 minutes were great, just imagine what 2 hours is like! (And we've got another 2 hours with Stephen in a few hours - If you want to know what his coaching program is like, have a read of some of my early posts)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
DTAlpha - TalkBack Strategy Versus Planning Explored
“The plans that bind are the plans that blind.”
"Sometimes the plans we have can blind us to coming market transitions. And the meaning is often times the difference between winning and whining.
Get the full story in today’s DTAlpha TalkBack Blog by listening to this 13min and 59 second audio."
Stephen starts with a powerful analogy of a person being so in love with another that they make their love their whole world. You might have been there yourself, I certainly have where their friends are your friends, you do everything together. Then the relationship is over and you have nothing.
Businesses do this too. They get so in love with a plan, they aren't noticing things changing. Think of the businesses that are no longer around...
Is your plan (or even your strategy) based on something that has changed?
Go have a listen to this audio now - this is great information that Stephen is making freely available and he's personally replying to comments!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Stephen Pierce DTAlpha - Strategy vs Planning
There's part that you're able to see and that's the new TalkBack.
In this topic Stephen talks about Strategy versus Planning.
"The old saying of “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is
not entirely true anymore.
Today’s marketing strategies require a different foundational
perspective. One that I’ll share with you in today’s TalkBack.
Click the play button below and listen to today’s TalkBack that
runs a short 5 minutes and 47 seconds."
So check it out for yourself... DT Alpha TalkBack
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Feeling Frustrated?
I am reading this ebook of Stephen's at the perfect time (there's an audio too but I'm in too much of a rush to listen to that). It's giving me a great insight into the shifts between where I am now and where I want to be.
Have you ever felt so frustrated you just wanted to know what the next step was? Just some clue to show you you're on the right path?
Stephen says he'd already made the decision to turn his life around & things still weren't going to plan. He had a vinyl repair business and tells how on his last day he had a job fixing a dentist's chair. Here's part of the story in Stephen's own words...
"I take this small little hole that should've only taken me 30-45 minutes to fix,
and I massacred the entire chair. I just screwed this thing up so bad. What I
did was, on my lunch break, I shut the door. I left. I left all the equipment
there and said, "Let this guy figure how to fix it.""
Man, I can so relate to this. I cringed reading this story. I pride myself on doing great work yet I know there've been times when I have been exactly where Stephen is. I'm so tired of working hard. Today I've worked 14 hours and I'm so tired my head is nodding while I'm writing this but I didn't want to forget how I'm feeling right now which is why I'm taking the time to write this right now. I am spending hours doing things and not feeling like I'm getting anywhere.
It's so encourging to read that Stephen has felt this way too. I actually thought that I shouldn't feel this way right now, that if you truly made a change that there would be some switch flipped and you'd never feel that way.
Well, like I said I'm only 7 pages in so I'm going to keep reading until my eyes won't stay open any longer & then I'll let my subconscious mind work on it.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Stephen Pierce Over-Delivers Once Again
There are 5 webinars coming up starting December 18 thru to 21st December on Free Traffic Generation strategies. I'm not going to publish the link here because this is exclusively for Stephen Pierce students but here's just a taste of what to expect:
On these webinars Stephen will reveal in a series worth $4,997.00 how to:
1. How to find winning postions in markets
2. How to create products people will
3. Top 11 tactics for increasing sales
4. How to jump start your success engine
5. How to build million dollar partnerships
I love Stephen's program but I have to admit that the live support service is probably the weakest part of their whole service. Sometimes tickets take a while to be answered and I've found it's much easier & quicker to go straight to the forum.
However, starting from January, 2 of Stephen's great support people, Laura and Jennifer will be available LIVE for 3 hours on Mondays via the webinar service to answer questions! Now, isn't that a great idea?
"Yes that's right every Monday chat with me in our webinar room to ask your SMCC questions. Jennifer and I will be there every Monday from 9am-Noon (Michigan/USA) to answer any questions you have. We will start on January 7th."
* DTAlpha - a high tech way of delivering info (in Beta testing now) check it out at
* Dates for 2008 Q & A calls have just been released
* The next UYMG in Sydney dates are set for March 14,15,16
Alpha Leaders & Mastermind
One of the great shares last night was from Roseanne who doesn't let not having a pretty site hold her back - she's made $12,000 in 3 weeks and $900 alone just on Monday! So Roseanne is our hero.
We've got a great group in Brisbane. Why, just out of the Brisbane / Gold Coast mastermind group alone we had 4 Alpha Leaders - Kerri (me), Tim, Bryan and Janet.
We showed the Alpha Leader videos and now it looks there are a lot more people keen to be an Alpha Leader.
To be an Alpha Leader, be ready to have lots of fun & get loud!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Alpha Leadership Video
The next UYMG in Australia is in March 14,15,16 in Sydney.
Here are more pics and info:
Sern Yi's: (Alpha Leader captain in Malaysia)
Bryan Stephens:
This is what Stephen Pierce said on Bryan's blog:
You are an AMAZING leader my friend. I am so honored to have you as part of my team. I hope you join us at UYMG Australia March 14,15,16 2008! We can only continue to improve this event and with you there I’m sure we’ll help all the participants to see amazing results.
Keep up the good work, keep in touch and I look forward to seeing you in 2008. We’re looking for amazing things from you! (no pressure) = )"
Bryan replied:
"Wow. I certainly was not expecting the comments mentioned above, and yet I should have.
You see, I did mention that Stephen and Alicia are “amazing, genuine and awesome people” in the post above and they have showed that again within their comments.
The attitude that Stephen and Alicia display then rubs off onto the Alpha leaders which in turn rubs off onto other SMCC members. I feel that this was evident in the comments above.
So thanks very much everyone for your kind words. :)"
I echo Bryan's sentiments, so much so that when Stephen was back here presenting in my home town of Brisbane I enthusiastically encouraged the people I know to sign up for Stephen's coaching program. As you might have seen from my earliest posts, Stephen is by far the best coach I've found.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Were You At UYMG Sydney?
Maybe you'll remember me because Stephen was yelling out my name right before the end... "Kerri!" I'm Stephen's Alpha Leadership captain and it was my honor and privilege to be able to help at Unleash Your Marketing Genius. (This pic was taken just taken just a short time ago tonight at Tony Robbins' Unlimited Power event in Brisbane.)
I can't get over how massively life has changed in such a short time. Can you believe I was practically a newbie when I started in August and in just a matter of months I was invited to be Leadership captain?! Really, if I can do it, anyone with enough enthusiasm & willingness to take action can do exactly the same too.
Can I Ask You A Favor?
I'm looking for pictures and tips from Stephen Pierce's UYMG Sydney event.
I was running around and didn't get to take notes or photos so I would love it if you shared yours!
Would you please give your best tip you got from UYMG? And how you're going to use it?
I'd love to hear from you!
PS If you have a pic from the event, please leave your comment and I'll email you personally because I really would love to see pics and video from the event. Or if you're tech savvy, you could you tube it or put it on your own blog!
PS 2 - Especially let me know if you're in SE Queensland because we have a brilliant Masterming Group.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Wow, 50 More Seats at UYMG!
Did you see the email that there's now 50 more seats for UYMG?
Wow, that is so great because I felt bad for those people who missed out.
Here's the email that just arrived:
Dear Kerri,
I was able to get 50 more seats at the UYMG Sydney event coming up this week November 23, 24, 25! Woo hoo!
Squeeze em in I said, so let's get you registered today so you can take part of the awesome UYMG Seminar, something you DON'T want to miss. 3 Days with Stephen Pierce and hands on materials, WOW. Register today at:
Go now and register for this unforgettable event in Sydney Australia,
-- Laura Remeselnik
Impulsive Profits
2232 South Main Street, #421
Ann Arbor, MI
Saturday, November 17, 2007
UYMG Sydney - Alpha Leaders
I was honored to be chosen to be part of this group, especially given that I'm still really a newbie.
As part of Leadership we get our own Alpha Leadership Guide (76 pages jammed packed with gems). Look at these Leadership topics we're covering:
To Gain The Maximum Effectiveness In Your Business,
You Must Wear The Correct Hat
Management Personnel At All Levels
Have Building And Growth Responsibilities
You Can Double Your Income By
Refocusing And Restructuring Your Activities
Delegation Doesn’t Happen All At Once,
Nor Is It Always A 100% Thing
Don’t Let The Cost Of Hiring Staff Scare You…
If Done Right, It Won’t Be A Cost At All
How To Gain Two Extra Hours A Day
Your Most Valuable Asset
To Get The Most From Your Business And Life,
“We Have Met The Enemy,
And He Is Us” - Pogo
You Can Effectively Eliminate Your Competition
By Using Your Time More Efficiently
How To Shed Old, Unproductive Habits
And Adopt New And Better Ones
Identifying Your Time Wasters
How To Contact Your Clients
And Prospects At The Best Times
Action Guide
I know several very unhappy people who were away or didn't check their emails and within only 3 days all the available spots filled up. There were some people who had already booked their flights and accommodation expecting to get a ticket.
Just goes to show, it's not just being prepared, it's being in the right place at the right time.
I'm excited about this event - we get 3 days with Stephen and leaders in the internet community. What I value most are the people you meet and relationships built, the inspiration and ideas you come away with, these are priceless!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Affiliate Frustration Problem Solving
Yesterday I was brainstorming with my Mastermind group about lack of sales from my site. I'm really picky on what I'll recommend and I finally found an affiliate product that I'm happy to endorse. The ads have been up for over a week now but still no sales.
I'm getting plenty of traffic - over 200 visitors a day now but still not even 1 sale despite getting more and more revenue from adsense. (I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't even get paid for my own purchase through my own link - I thought maybe it was something to do with my cookies because my computer techie is really vigilant with my setup.)
I was frustrated. I was wondering if there could possibly be sales and I'm just not being credited for them? It's true! And I'm not the only one. We only had 5 people at our Mastermind group yesterday and 4 of them had experienced exactly this problem.
When I click on the final "order now' button and it takes me to the Click bank payment processor.
At this point in time Click bank should display my affiliate ID at the bottom, but it shows "affiliate ID=none" therefore I would not get any commission for this product.
Neil in our Mastermind group suggested I use Paypal's sandbox to test everything is working properly.
I'm off to try this now.
Contact the author and see if he either has a solution or offers his product through another affiliate program alternative to Clickbank like
Find another option. Give up on that particular product & find products where the affiliate link doesn't get cut off.
Funnily enough this morning I receive an email from Stephen's staff offering free training all about affiliate programs. Yes the cynical can say it's selling Stephen's programs but this is extremely valuable to me. It's so frustrating to spend lots of time and energy promoting products and then finding out there's a problem and you're not getting paid for (all) the sales.
Here's part of the email:
Now, here's a pre-lesson in affiliate marketing. This is a two-tier affiliate system. That means that you make money on direct sales of the product and you also make money from sales of those who sign up under you (1 level deep). So, in the spirit of rewarding our students, you will be signing up under a current student. This will be pre-assigned so please sign up at the link provided. The student you are signing up under will also be helping you through training.
I look forward to training you in affiliate marketing and working together to achieve success for all of us. As Stephen says "It's all of us or none of us!"
If you want to learn what I learn, click on this link and sign up as an affiliate:
Attraction Accelerator
(By the way, this is a product I'm very happy to endorse - it's really helped me make some big shifts in mindset.)
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
UYMG Sydney - Nov 23-25
Registration is $295 AUD (see below)
Once you register you'll only need to pay a registration fee to cover your workbook and materials (that our partner will print for you) and to reserve your seat. If you don't show up this is non-refundable. Hopefully this completely eliminate the big problem of people registering for events and not showing up. That would be unfair to the other members.
When you show up you'll be given back our registration fee in a very creative way! You'll also need to cover your internet connection - same cost as they charge in Australian hotels-which is $29.95 australia/day. There will be a hard wire to your laptop at your seat - just for you. So bring your laptop and get ready to plug in. Seats are really limited. Unfortunately with the internet issues we've been unable to really get a large room this time.
Please note that a once-only, upfront fee of just $295 will apply
This covers:
* The Seminar's Workbook
* Internet Connection for the event's full duration
* Technical Support
* Event Support
* Alpha Support Team – a hand-picked group who all have a thorough background in Stephen's program
But the best news is, you’ll also receive 2 x $100 Credit Vouchers that you can use towards the amazing internet marketing products available at the event.
If you want to be part of the Alpha Leadership team, get an extra day and a half of leadership training including some sessions with Stephen, send Laura an email and she'll let you know what you need to do.
Wednesday 21st November
1pm – 6pm
Thursday 22nd November
10am – 6pm
Monday, October 22, 2007
Latest Coaching Program Update - 23 Expert Traffic Tactics
It seems like almost every week there's something extra for coaching club members and the latest is a series of webinars on creating FREE Traffic. That's right, none of that wasting time and money on Google paying for traffic that my other coaches encouraged me to do. We're talking using smart effective ways of finding people who want what we've got!
The goal is to get everyone up to getting a minimum of 100 unique visitors a day. I've already achieved that goal just using some of the Social Bookmarking techniques Stephen teaches and I still learned HEAPS from the very first webinar, let alone the other 2 he did last week.
Now Stephen had us promise not share the details so you're just going to get teased with the headlines. This list of 23 Expert Traffic Tactics wasn't covered in one session - each one of these is explored in detail, giving us a map of the whole process for each one plus examples and websites.
23 Expert Traffic Tactics
Affiliate Traffic
Article Traffic
Banner Traffic
Black Hat Traffic
Blog Traffic
Classified Ad Traffic
CraigsList Traffic
Directory Submission
eBay Traffic
eZine Traffic
Facebook Traffic
Forum Traffic
Joint Venture Traffic
Linking Traffic
MySpace Traffic
Podcast Traffic
PPC Traffic
Press Release Traffic
Search Engine Traffic
Social Networking Traffic
Social Shopping Traffic
Squidoo Traffic
YouTube Traffic
Stephen said we'd be spending roughly 45 minutes on each one but we spent well over an hour, even an hour and a half on these.
We did 3 of these last week (one a day) and will be doing more next week when Stephen returns from overseas. He's just left Australia where he presented at Mal Emory's event and is now about to present at a Christopher Howard event in the UK.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Want to hear Stephen Pierce Rap?

Do you want to hear Stephen Pierce Rap?
A month ago Stephen's wife Alicia teased us with "Here’s Throwback… Did you know Stephen Pierce used to be a Christian Rapper?"
- Alicia
Now I've got no idea if it's going to be good or if it's just going to be hilarious. Either way, it a must listen, isn't it?
Annie from SMCC has promised to post Stephen's rap songs up online but there's a catch:
"So here’s the deal: For every 100 comments I get on the blog, I will post ONE mp3."
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
New Momentum Mixx MP3's! (Freebie)

These songs are different like that hit song from 1999 called ‘Everybodys free (to wear Sunscreen)’. It was different because it was spoken not sung and was full of a litany of funny but practical advice set to music. I always remember the line: ‘Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.’
If you’re new to this type of music, I recommend that you start with Track #4 ‘You Can’t Be Willing If…’
My review of Stephen Pierce’s 5 new Momentum Mixx tracks:
The first track, ‘The Question of You’ didn’t do it for me like the original tracks. It’s got a great rhythmic track, reminds me a bit of a salsa but I found Stephen’s voice over dominated the first part and it took me about a minute before I really got into it. It liked it a lot more after listening to it a few times.
‘Character Through the Process’ is more chilled by comparison and Stephen’s part flows beautifully.
‘Motion, Action, Forward Progress’ really fits ACTION. Add it to your exercise music.
‘You Can’t Be Willing If…’ had me moving to the beat. I kept waiting for Justin Timberlake to start singing but the words quickly drew me in. Brilliant content, getting into the subconscious with brilliant suggestions. This is my favorite track.
‘Your Why’ continues on beautifully from ‘You Can’t Be Willing If’ and keeps repeating the main message I’ve gotten from the marathon calls Stephen’s held over the last 4 days “You have to move people!”
I’ve listened to them all a few times now and I haven't made up my mind yet whether the original tracks were better or if that is just because I've listened to them so often. Either way I agree they have:
Powerful content...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Stephen Pierce Traffic Generation Showcase
First of all, I have to thank Bryan for inviting me to be part of a small team focussing on social bookmarking. Bryan is a real star, getting 10 times more traffic than me! (6,000+ unique hits in one day and he started at the same time as me.) A big thank you to Aldian, Bryan, James and Raymond, without this group, I know I would not have learned as much as I have about social bookmarking and massively increased my traffic.
How Aldian gets Free Traffic
Aldian shares a case study he wrote about this free traffic, along with his traffic result.
I joined SMCC in Brisbane late June this year and have a few projects going, but I have been focusing on this month (I started this blog in August).
My dad, John, writes the posts for this blog but I have been doing the technical side of things for it and and the traffic strategies.
From the stats, you will see that most of the traffic was generated by stumbleupon.
The biggest day was on the 13th of September, where the number of visits was 6678 (most of these were unique). The traffic was so high that it actually made a page be listed on a day.
Most of the traffic on this day was from this article
The traffic in stumbleupon was not highly targeted traffic, but it did lead to several comments on the blog, one way links leading to the page, about 12 optins and 1 affiliate sale with rapid manifestation ($30.49). For the 1st few days the page did not have the sales links on it. Also there was no direct optin capture on the page.
I also used onlywire, digg and reddit for traffic generation. I believe that submitting to these social bookmarking sites helped the search engine rankings of the beatyourdepression site dramatically.
Aldian had organized a traffic generation strategy via SMCC forum, where I joined and participated. To start off with it was mostly Aldian, James, Raymond and me participating in the group, but now others are learning how to do it and reaping the benefits.
Whilst I have not received PRISE yet, stuck on route somewhere, I have been lucky enough to learn some tips from it via the Brisbane/Gold Coast mastermind group. I found that the permalink structure made a huge difference in rankings too, based on a runescape website that I am working on with my son. Working together in teams is very powerful. We can learn from each other, support each other and motivate each other. This is one of the reasons I joined the Stephen Pierce group and I am glad that I did.
Here's what I sent Stephen:
I joined SMCC and received my PRISE cd in late July and started my site almost 8 weeks ago on 5 August. My site is and follows the normal PRISE model with PPC in the sidebar and Clickbank affiliate products at the bottom.
Because things have happened so fast, here’s what I posted on 10th September on (A blog to chronicle my journey and experience with SMCC.)
Stats - week 5 First 10 days of September:
· 650 hits a day (average) vs 341 in August
· 37 visits a day (average) vs 27 in August
· people in 16 countries have visited my site
· my unique visitors total is now at 231 for the first 10 days of this month (September)
· 35% of visitors come from search engines and social bookmarking vs 1.1% in August
We’re only 10 days into September and my unique visitors total is almost the same as the 241 I had for August. Based on this I expect to at least triple the figures from last month, that is get to about 700 unique visitors for September. If I can keep tripling this figure every month, that would be awesome. That would mean 2,100 unique visitors in October, 6,300 in November and 18,900 in December. Momentum is what it's all about!
It’s funny to read that now! Have a look at the screen shots below taken this morning (Friday). My goal less than 3 weeks ago was to triple the number of unique visitors and it’s now at 9 times! I expect by the end of the month on Sunday, it will be 10 times! I’m excited to see what October will bring.
Stats Today – Almost 8 weeks since starting September average (to the 27th Sept):
· 2,586 hits a day (average) vs 341 in August
· 120 visits a day (average) vs 27 in August
· 42.7% of visitors come from search engines and social bookmarking vs 1.1% in August
How Much Traffic Is Enough?
I worked out that if I only maintain an average 100 visits a day and have 3% of people buy the affiliate product that pays $10.50, then the site will make me over US$11,000 a year.
If I increase traffic to 500 a day, this increases to over $57,000 a year.
Then, if I increase conversion by just 1% and introduce my own $19.95 product (or another affiliate product), it will bring in $145,000+ a year!
Initially I was writing comments on other people’s blogs and on forums. Now my strategy is:
1) write an article a day (unique content)
2) participate in our small social bookmarking mastermind group
Social Bookmarking Sites We Use:
* StumbleUpon
* Technorati
* Digg
* YouTube (I haven’t used this for my site yet)
* Reddit
* Netscape (Propeller)
* RSS feed (I haven’t used this yet)
* OnlyWire (I’m also experimenting with a brand new one called SocialMarker from Ed Dale which looks even better)
Now almost half of my traffic now comes from Social Bookmarking and most of that is from StumbleUpon.
Other Ideas I will be adding to my Traffic Generation strategy:
* YahooAnswers - answer questions and include link when appropriate (Bryan’s suggestion)
* Submitting articles –
* Facebook & MySpace
Stephen asked to showcase our traffic generation at Unleash Your Marketing Genius - KL, Malaysia Sept 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007
Week 7 Statistics - Goals massively exceeded!

This is what I said in the Week 5 update:
- 2,280 hits a day vs 650 hits a day 2 weeks ago vs 341 in August
- 99 visits a day (average) vs 27 in August
- my unique visitors total is now 1,625 vs 231 for the first 10 days of this month (September)
- visitors coming from search engines and social bookmarking is continuing to grow and is now at 40.7% vs 35% earlier in the month and 1.1% in August
- My unique visitors total is almost exactly what I had for August (26 days) and we're only 10 days into September. Based on this I expect to at least triple the figures from last month, that is get to about 700 unique visitors for September. If I can keep tripling this figure every month, that would be awesome. That would mean 2,100 unique visitors in October, 6,300 in November and 18,900 in December. Momentum is what it's all about!
Well, I well and truly exceeded my expectations!!
Freebie video - Moolah Attraction Plan Moolah MAPs
This is a video recording of an awesome presentation focussing on strategy, it's not technical, these are absolute gems like what Stephen says that gets his JV partners wanting to provide audio testimonials & 100% signups for his affiliate program. Now I know why marketing legend, Jay Abraham, goes to Stephen Pierce.
I've heard Stephen's presentations several times now and I thought this recording would be good for people who aren't already students of his, I thought it would cover a lot of what I'd already heard. Maybe that's the reason, or maybe it's because it's been a big day but I did think the video started off a bit slow, the first 15 minutes of the video focus on why internet marketing is the best business to be in and relationships. But then it amps up and I was glued to the screen for the next 75 minutes. I know I'll definitely be watching this again.
At time 15:58 we start getting into the REAL juicy part, the maps Stephen and his team use when they launch a product. As a side benefit, we're also learning Stephen's mindset, "When you hear somebody making money, Celebrate. Celebrate it." It's not meant to be part of Stephen's presentation but because the crowd is quite reserved and not playing full out so that's a bonus to get that insight.
If you've got a product, you're definitely going to want to watch it Now Moolah Attraction Plan
This is a great video to watch if you already have products or plan to have products in the future. If you don't have product, then the first 59 minutes will still be valuable to you because you're going to get some fantastic tips.
What you are going to see:
- Learn how to discover a hungry crowd - the 11 words for discovering a Moolah market (time 39:34 - 7 mins)
- 4 Key Moolah Relationships™ for Raking In Cash. (time 46:55) Discover the key relationships that create targeted traffic and cash flow stability.
- Pierce Accelerated Affiliate Sales Model (time 50:01)
- 2 Things to Know About Building Moolah Relationships™ with your Market. (time 54:40)
- 5 Tips to Building Joint Venture and Affiliate Relationships. (time 59:05)
- 3 Steps for JV/Affiliate Attention and Retention. (time 01:02:52)
- The 12 Step JV Ramp Up for a MoolahRollOut™. (time 01:05:05) I love the way Stephen gets audio testimonials, hear his script for how he pursuades people at 01:07:51 . He even shares how they actually did their rollout 01:12:07.
Don't miss out, I don't know how long this one will be available for f'ree
so click here to get it today====> Moolah Attraction Plan
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Week 5 statistics & Update to Coaching Program Review
Right now the target is on increasing free traffic and then I'll tweak my sales processes to generate more income. At low traffic levels, it's difficult to see what difference changes have to the site.
The ways my blog generates income (so far):
1) adsense
2) clickbank advertising
In the future I'll also develop my own products but right now I need to know that I can win in my choosen niche.
It's now been just over 5 weeks since my site,, first went live (5th August). I went through Stephen Pierce's new addition to his coaching program, PRI$E, as you would have seen me mention previously. Since my last update, I've been busy writing articles and doing social bookmarking activities (technorati, stumbleupon, reddit, facebook etc). Right now I'm learning about RSS feeds.
I had a bit of a problem with the last step of the initial PRI$E training (the RSS feeds) which delayed me finishing but I am excited that I've almost finished the newbie part.
Stats - week 5
First 10 days of September:
- 650 hits a day (average) vs 341 in August
- 37 visits a day (average) vs 27 in August
- people in 16 countries have visited my site
- my unique visitors total is now at 231 for the first 10 days of this month (September)
- 35% of visitors come from search engines and social bookmarking vs 1.1% in August
My unique visitors total is almost exactly what I had for August (26 days) and we're only 10 days into September. Based on this I expect to at least triple the figures from last month, that is get to about 700 unique visitors for September. If I can keep tripling this figure every month, that would be awesome. That would mean 2,100 unique visitors in October, 6,300 in November and 18,900 in December. Momentum is what it's all about!
The number of pages sending traffic to my site has decreased but given that links from external pages represents 1.1% of my current traffic (down from 4.1% in August), this will be something for me to work on soon. I also need to work on building my database too now that my traffic is growing.
At the moment, I'm working with a small focus group on our social bookmarking and so in a few weeks I expect I will be quite proficient in this area very soon. There's so much to learn!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
OptiMINDzation... Reformat Your Brain?
Honestly, my first impression was that I much prefer Attraction Accelerator and Attraction Activator, because of the music I find they are much easier to just pop on your ipod and tune out to. If I'm busy, I sometimes put the sound on really low and go to sleep listening to it.
Some of the other students wondered if there was something wrong because there's no music on this one, it's just the rapid beats. It sounds to me a bit like hearing a helicopter in the distance. One guy said it sounded like a old motorbike engine to him.
The information that comes with the audio helps. Here's what Stephen had to say which encouraged me to give it a go:
"This entire series of mental entrainment CD’s was created because of its
impact on my life, the fact that it’s proven and because it works… and you
don’t have to.
Rather funny, but true. The science behind the technology does all of the
work, all you have to do is push a button, close your eyes, listen and sit still.
Yea, yea, yea… with all of the hyperactivity built up in most of us, sitting still
is like trying to move a mountain with our bare hands …they are both
seemingly impossible.
But I tell you what. If you take the time to sit still, you will be so reward and
so unbelievably enriched and more powerful that it will blow your mind.
You don’t even have to think positive. In fact you can personally believe it
doesn’t work, however if you use the CD’s daily you will be blown away by
how well it does work."
After trying it for a week, I wrote back to thank them for giving us free access to the first audio.
Here's what I wrote:
"Thanks Laura! I love Optimindzation - it reminds me of the Matrix movies when new skills are uploaded directly into the brain. I have been using Results Accelerator for a few weeks and I've told friends I feel like my brain is being reformatted. Yes, geeky term I know but I just can't think of any other way to describe it.
When I did an NLP course I really wished that I can just wipe out some patterns & limiting beliefs and maybe I'm delusional but I really feel that Optimindzation does do that. Hey, I don't mind - whatever gets results. "
The first month includes a free bonus Speed Reading audio course.
Click here to See for yourself what it's all about.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Freebie Coaching - The 30 Day Challenge (not Stephen Pierce)
Ed Dale's Free 30 Day Challenge is on again. They're up to Day 21 already so jump in fast
I highly recommend the 30 Day Challenge especially if you're just starting out or are on a very tight budget. I was first told about it last year by someone who was in the same coaching program as me - we couldn't believe that all this info was made available for free. In many ways it was as good as (and even better in some instances) than that course we were paying US$1,000 for! BTW, I won't say whose course that was (other than to say it wasn't Stephen Pierce) because he does walk his talk and was very generous in his time and feedback and it wouldn't be fair to criticize him just because some of us didn't get what we were hoping for out of the experience.
Back to the topic... WHAT IS THE THIRTY DAY CHALLENGE?In a nutshell... The Thirty Day Challenge is about making your first $10 online. For a full 30 days we are going to be showing you exactly how to start your own Internet business and generate your first income online without spending a dime. That's right, this is going to cost zip, diddly, nothing, nada, ziltch. The entire training program is free, and you won't have to spend a thing to get your business started and begin making money. No credit card required.
The 2007 Thirty Day Challenge has started so head on overto the training section inside the Members area (after you haveregistered) and get started.Ed also created quite a lot of content during the period leadingup to the start of the Challenge which introduces many of the tools we will be using. All of the Pre-Season content is summarized on the following blog post, check it out if you can:
If you've got a passion for internet marketing and want to take it to the next level, you might want to check out Stephen Pierce's coaching program - It's the best I've found.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Coaching Program Software - Driving Traffic to your site
There are three main pieces of software I've used so far. Until last week I didn't even know about two of these, let alone realize how valuable they are when you want to create a REAL online business and not just a hobby. Now that I've used these, I don't know how I'd do without them!!
What am I talking about?
There's so much software that Stephen shares with us but for now I'm just focussing on getting started ie setting up your site and driving traffic to your site.
- FTP software makes it super easy when setting up your site to upload features, plugins (ie programs, new features etc such as Spam protection against robots leaving comments on blogs) etc.
- Smart Article Submitter allows you to write an article and submit it quickly and easily to as many article sites as you want (literally hundreds of article sites are preloaded & you can easily add more)
- Smart Forum Promoter allows you to submit postings to many forums easily and fast. You now how normally it's slow and tedious to locate forums, login, follow a thread and then post? Smart Forum Promotor automates this process. Load your favourite 10, 100, 1,000 forums into Smart Forum Promoter, write your posts and it's as easy as clicking the paste button. You can even easily customize your message for individual forums!
Speaking of driving traffic to sites, I just received today an email with another bonus from SMCC and again I'm overwhelmed. It's a website of Stephen's with videos, ebooks and workbooks on different strategies for getting traffic. The videos are in categories and there's roughly about a dozen categories from the quick glance I gave it. I'm leaving it for now, there's just too much information and I'll come back to it later when I finish the PRI$E process.
Hi guys from the coaching program, thanks for your comments. I really appreciate you! It would be great to make this a resource for other people who are wondering whether SMCC is any good so please share what you think of the software.Sunday, August 19, 2007
My First Payment!
Yes, it's for a whole $5.99.
Two things I'm remembering as I celebrate:
- celebrate like a little kid for at least 16 seconds, jump up and down, dance, yell, just do whatever you need to get it into your mind and body / tell the universe and God that this is what I want, I am thankful and I want to attract more of it
- Stephen Pierce's "We Succeeded" mp3 talking about how the Wright brothers celebrated flight of 12 seconds
Bye for now, I'm off to continue to dancing to "We Succeeded" that I've got playing in the background.
PS While reading through other people's successes on the SMCC forum I see that Stephen asks people how are they feeling. I'm feeling light, energised, electricity is running through me, it's like I'm breathing more fully. It is a bit like a kid when the circus would come to town, that feeling of fun, joy, pleasure and anticipating - I'm not quite sure exactly what I'm going to be seeing next but I can't wait and I just know it's going to be GREAT!
I just got a glimpse of what it will feel like when I have reached my first financial goal... the way I feel about Cirque du Soleil - that feeling of almost being overwhelmed by the beauty & gratefulness that I have gotten to witness something so utterly magnificent.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Celebrating 2 weeks in coaching program - My Statistics so Far...
It's now been 15 days since I started this journey & 10 days since my site first went up.
As requested here are my stats - not sure if you can quite make them out but I've had over 5,000 hits & 364 visitors ( yes a bit over half of those are me working on my site) but I'm pretty thrilled that people are already finding my site without me doing any real active promotion yet.
I love these stats. Any real internet marketers please ignore this paragraph - I'm a newbie who gets excited over all aspects of success! Or you can have a listen to what Stephen Pierce talks about how the Wright Brothers at Kittyhawk celebrated even the smallest amount of success. (If you don't know what I'm talking about check out my previous posts about Momentum Mixx mp3s and the You Tube videos.) You just know I'm going to go crazy the first time I get a check, don't you!?!
Stats - 3 weeks
- 5,000+ hits
- 122 unique visitors without any active promotion (that's the step I'm currently working on)
- people in 11 countries have been reading what I've written (and as you can tell, I love to write :)
- is linked from 19 external pages! And from sites I don't even know about!!
I was so excited tonight, I was looking for organic blogs as part of my research and I was absolutely thrilled to see that my site has made it to the 2nd page of Google already (search "organic living + blog") Ok, I know that's a pretty defined search but hey, I'm celebrating the baby steps!
My main goal in time for next Thursday's Mastermind meeting is to come up with an idea to really get the word out there about my site... Some way for it to become viral and really take off and build my list. I want this to really take off so by Christmas I've hit my first milestone.
Thank you everyone for your wonderful feedback! How awesome to be featured on SMCC's blog Tanady, I'll keep coming back and posting my stats for all to see. I don't claim to be anything outstanding - I haven't spent much time on this during the week, lost my focus a bit but I'm determined not to be one of those people who will still be whinging weeks from now. I very much want to be one of the people that are so excited about what they're doing that they don't have time for complaining.
I've gotten a bit bogged down the last week on fiddling with my site, changing different aspects, adding plugins. A few days ago I didn't even know what a plug in was and now I'm finding myself going through the SMCC forum looking for everyone's great tips on which Plugins are most valuable for preventing Spam, robots etc as well as helping people who are looking for info on organics to find my site.Enough sidetracking though! I'm going to finished Phase 4: Promotion of the new PRI$E system by my 3 week anniversary. That then just leaves me Phase 5: Cash Injection System and then I'm finished PRI$E.
From there, I'll go back into Stephen's normal course and go through those steps. There's something called SOP that I've heard several times but don't really know what that's all about yet.
Friday, August 10, 2007
SMCC Mastermind group - Gold Coast
By meeting with the others I got to share some ideas and a solution to a common problem we'd been experiencing AND I got so many ideas and tips from the others. They told me about solutions to problems that I hadn't even come across, saving me lots of time. (Thank you Karen Isitt, you are a treasure!)
What a valuable resource these meetings are. A place to share experiences and successes, get solutions to problems and brainstorm ideas.
To give an unbiased perspective of SMCC coaching, the biggest frustrations seem to be that it does take longer than the 30 minutes a day Stephen indicated and also getting support on problems. My take on this is that you spend a lot of time fiddling with the details but let's just get on with it, get it done and can always go back and perfect it later on. It doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to work. The second point about support on problems is honestly that people get caught up in one thing not working and waste lots of time and energy when they can be putting their focus on something else. Stephen had a rant on this at one of his training sessions. I wrote a post about this earlier - if you can't do something, focus on what you can do. Stephen's talk went into detail about he'd get frustrated with students hung up on one little thing and let that stop them taking action. He said what about the other 100 things you could be doing.
Yes, support isn't always as quick as we'd like - it might take a day or three if it's a weekend but there's always other parts of the project that can be worked on in the meantime.
During the Mastermind group, I also found that there are great sites just within our own community.
I've been most impressed by Christine & Neil Robin's site
They also have lots of great free resources on their site for internet marketing and personal development. Check it out!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Day 7 - What has been achieved so far?
I've now got a website with:
* clickbank feeds
* pay per click feeds
* articles being automatically loaded for the next 30 days
If you're interested in checking it out, I'd love feedback
Please note I am still in the process of setting up the autoresponder and newsletters. Organic living is something near and dear to me. This site is just a starting point so check back in the coming weeks to see how it's progressing.
By the way...
If like me you tried coaching before and months later still haven't even made $1, you might find Stephen Pierce's philosophy interesting... Unlike the others which seem to be focussing on creating a product to sell, Stephen focusses on the internet marketing side first. He says why would you spend all your time creating a product and then discover that you are having problems marketing to that niche? Rather, than that he gets us to check that we can first of all market someone else's product to the niche we've chosen and THEN if we choose to, then create a product.
The big advantage of this approach is that you're making money while you're learning!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
"How I Went From The Unemployment Line to the Millionaire Line"
Greg Poulos- "How I Went From The UnemploymentLine To The Millionaire Line"
Just a few years ago, I was on the unemployment line and struggling to pay my bills. For three years, I tried my best to make money online and to build my business, but everything I tried to do seemed to fail or only have modest success.
Watch Greg's video testimonial===>
MARKET: Stock trading education.
BEFORE: About $500,000 in annual sales.
CHALLENGE: Maximize the effectiveness of a product launch of a $997 information product. Excellent product and sales copy was already in place. Product launch anticipation was building. We were missing that 'X' factor to really create a buying frenzy.
SOLUTION: One hour strategy session with Stephen Pierce 2 weeks before launch date.
RESULT: $555,000 in product sales in 7 days.
AFTER: About $2,000,000 in annual sales.
My Recipe For Quick Implementation & Success
So if I had to sum up the top strategies for quick implementation to grow your business, they would be:
1. Don't try to figure it out on your own.
2. Hire an expert immediately and study what already successful people have done.
3. Take massive action and put into place what you learn.
4. Repeat.
Sounds simple enough, but in my experience most people are really good at trying to figure things out on their own or really good at spending money on education. But most people suck at implementation. Learn to implement, and you're probably ahead of 90% of your so-called competition.
So, if you are NOT happy with your current business results, quit messing around and take advantage of whatever kind of business coaching or mentoring Stephen has to offer you. But be prepared to implement what you learn.
Read on ===>
Monday, August 6, 2007
Day 5 - Market chosen & Passive Residual Income System Extreme set up in progress
This saying of Stephen Pierce's is deceptively simple. It's been going around and around in my head for the last two days since my last update on the Smart Marketing Coaching Club. It's now day 5
When I was stalled on working on my project I was frustrated because the hosting company hasn't uploaded my new domain. Until then I have been so excited. After going through Stephen and Alicia's mindset and creativity modules, I finally chose a market (one I'm passionate about naturally) and found a great affiliate product to promote. One that Stephen himself has researched and endorsed.
I chose a domain name ($9.05) and set up the hosting ($9.95 a month). I also learned how to transfer the domain name to the hosting company which impresses me. Yes, I am very much a newbie.
I've been going through the new cd, Passive Residual Income System Extreme - PRI$E, (thank you again Roy Phay for your detailed Camtasia videos) and learning lots. Now I have a blog, installed & configured WordPress, installed PlugIns, (whatthe?!) Smart PPC and now I'm installing Smart Profit Feeds. As you can tell, I still don't know exactly why I'm doing some of these steps but I'm just faithfully following each one and it's really coming together. I even felt confident enough to upload files to the server and I installed a different blog template than the standard version. Wow, I'm really feeling like I know some of this technical stuff now.
Only problem is I can't see it!! Agh! I keep getting the message that it will take 24-48 hours to have the domain up.
So this is where Stephen's quote "Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do." Although I can't see for certain that everything is working fine I can keep going on with the steps and learning. Even if I have made a mistake and something has gone wrong and I have to redo things, I've still learned so much that will make it faster doing it next time. And I always planned on creating multiple sites so this is valuable experience for me.
Who is Stephen Pierce?
To give you an indication of what level he's playing at, he runs a program called "Unlimited Power" in Singapore with Tony Robbins. For info on the program with Anthony Robbins and other live events, go to
Stephen is an international speaker and recently completed a World Tour with various promoters including Jay Abraham. His Australian KnowledgeSource presentation was promoted: "Discover How A 35 Year Old Former High-School Dropout Turned His Life Around And Today, Pulls In A MASSIVE $387,065.41 Per Month On The Internet Using His Proven, Easy To Follow, Step-By-Step System…"
While he was here, he was a key presenter at the Tony Robbins' Wealth Mastery event in Melbourne, Australia and he also did a presentation to the Leadership crew (which was not about internet marketing). From friends who were there I can confirm that he really did receive a standing ovation.
Stephen Pierce is an awesome American presenter, coach & internet marketer. His initial success was teaching people how to trade futures and options. When you hear his story, you'll realize he was too broke to profit from the wining trades he was just giving away free to people. He was doing it to feel good about himself and was posting his tips online when someone contacted him and wanted to pay him $5,000 to teach him how to do what he does. That started him into his teaching career. By the way, he was so broke that when this happened he was homeless and it was a businessman who let him use his office washroom and sleep inside who got him started. The businessman let him use a computer. For more of Stephen's story click here.
Now, Stephen, his gorgeous wife Alicia together with their team of great support staff teach people how to do what they've done.
For info on his coaching program, go to:
Friday, August 3, 2007
SMCC Day 3 - The Whole Truth
I'm excitedly planning my strategy and working my way through the steps and I'm about to get back into but I wanted to let you know what's happened, just in the past 2 days since I last posted...
- I've received detailed videos guiding me through the membership site. I thought I'd gone through it pretty thoroughly but I soon realised there's even more than I first thought! On the forums are lots of tips and links to great free resources
- Newsletter with updates, tips & bonuses including a great guide to managing virtual teams (I've recently been working with a virtual assistant and realized just how valuable this information is)
- Received answers to questions I sent Stephen's coaching manager, Laura
- An intro to the new SMCC blog
- Received an unadvertised bonus, one of Stephen's programs and I just have to share a snippet with you from the accompanying email:
As a result of 1 advertisement that cost $750 USD placed on 1 page for 1 month, we generated 1200 affiliates and over 1/4 million dollars in total sales and a high Alexa ranking:
(I'm telling you this to get you excited for the strategies Stephen wil teach you in the program you just signed up for!) ============================================="
Cool, huh?!
Did I mention that when we signed up Stephen and Alicia said all we'd need to pay for is -
- domain name $9 (one off)
- hosting $9.95 a month
- 1Shopping Cart $29.95 a month (free for the first 2 months)
At last!! I was so sick of those Derek Gehl Internet Marketing Centre crap products that just tried to upsell me into their own shopping carts and affiliate managers. I spent over $300 on their Warp Speed Wealth about 18 months ago and worked out I would have needed to spend at least double that again just to get started. I really felt ripped off. That's why I was very wary of it happening again when I saw Stephen's program. Yes, I paid a lot more than Warp Speed Wealth to get into Stephen's program but I'm get invaluable support. By the way, I checked out the resources to make sure that everything we need is available and it is eg website creator, squeeze page manager and lots of other things that I don't even know what they really are yet like RSS announcer.
Finally, I really feel I've found found someone (well actually a whole team) I can trust. And no, I don't get paid to endorse Stephen's coaching program. But if this becomes available you can bet I'll be the first to sign up as an affiliate!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Intro to SMCC Smart Marketing Coaching Club
I am now able to access all the online info on Stephen Pierce's "Smart Marketing Coaching Club".
Wow, in a way I'm kinda glad I had this delayed introduction. I have to admit I was a bit annoyed that it took so long to get started but now I'm grateful it happened that way. Everything happens for a reason, right? This way I've been able to really get to explore everything in stages rather than being overwhelmed. There is SO MUCH info on the website. The highlights are:
- Coaching calls & events
- 12 Modules with the first module has the theme Mindset
- Resources - just the info in this is completely overwhelming, there are so many resources broken into categories but it's still HUGE!
- very active Forums
I've only just gotten a grasp on the info that's on the DVD/CD and there's so much more yet for me to do. I thought there might be a double up on the info that's on the DVD and info that's online but it looks like the DVD is just an intro before even getting started! OMI!!
To start, I've been busily posting on the forums, introducing myself and sending messages to people in my area. Looks like there's a group that meets regularly here in Brisbane (Australia) which is so awesome to be able to network with people who are doing the coaching program too.Next step is to decide what niche I want to work in, what market can I win in (as Stephen puts it). I could easily procrastinate on this indefinitely so I'm making a decision that I will choose a market by the end of today. Even if it's not the absolute perfect niche for me, at least I'm taking action and I can learn and apply what I'm doing to a more perfect niche later if needed.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
PRISE Coaching program first impressions
I received a pack in the mail, a beautiful black leather compendium with a DVD and a cheap looking photocopied information.
PRISE - Passive Residual Income System Extreme
I'm currently still going through the DVD. It's got so much information on it & is perfect for newbies. Roy Phay, a man with a strong Singapore accent takes us through step by step the video tutorials (Camtasia) through the initial "Phase 1: Getting Ready" which includes how to set up a domain (, set up hosting ( etc. It's all done in great detail so even a complete technophobe would be able to follow it. I think it will be boring if you've already done it a few times though but the videos are quite short.
The focus initially seems to be on setting up a Blog. There's no real overview to give the big picture of what we're doing or why but I think that's very likely a deliberate decision by Stephen Pierce.
Phase 2 is the Installation stage where it goes through setting up Wordpress. My criticism here is thanks for showing me in detail how to do this but what is it and why am I doing this? Ok, I'm still a bit of a newbie - I have created my own website using website builder templates (thanks to's Website tonight). I'm slowly figuring out the benefits but I'm a great coachee and I'm just following instructions and not questioning anything or trying to improve on the system.
Stephen said to follow it like a recipe and that's what I'm doing.
Phase 3 is Set-Up and Roy Phay again patiently takes us through setting up PPC accounts, smart PPC (software provided by Stephen), setting up ClickBank account and Smart Profit Feeds. Then it gets into the more creative side which interests me - modifying the Wordpress templates and setting up Autoresponders.
There are still 3 Steps to Go:
Phase 4: Promotions - gathering and submitting articles, writing posts, promoting on blogs and forums, RSS Announcer & Social bookmarking),
Phase 5: Cash Injection System
Phase 6: Help
Now that I've gone through most of the tabs I'm going back to the first phase which is picking a market and a domain name. Still not sure what I'm going to focus on there.
My overall first impression of the PRISE system - Stephen's 'recipe' analogy seems very appropriate for how he's built this coaching system.
I would have liked a bit more of the bigger picture but I gather after watching the camtasia videos that we're being taught how to set up information sites, no single page sales letters sites for us. That's a bit different from what I was expecting because I gathered that Stephen was going to teach us exactly what he does and I haven't really seen any of his sites look just like blogs with ads everywhere. But hey, I have only just started and I'm not even on the main part of the coaching yet with the website access so a lot more will be revealed soon.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Coaching Program - preliminary impressions
I will be starting any day now, am just waiting for Laura who looks after Stephen's coaching program to get in touch with my logon details and I'll be posting my progress along the way.
What impressed me is that Stephen seems genuinely passionate about helping people experience success. In the private session after signing up a guy in our group asked Stephen if he offered a guarantee. Stephen said no guarantee is needed because it works. He told us about the group from HK that went through. He said that only three didn't make money and that was because they didn't follow his recipe. (He says that success is a recipe and he's got a great recipe that he teaches step by step and every one who follows the recipe will get results. He says the people who don't get results are the ones who mess with the recipe and decide that they can do it better.)
Do Your Sales 'Suck'? (Video)
According to the Small Business association, over 70% of businesses do not have a marketing problem, they didn't have sales because they had either:
- Idea problem
- Product problem
Stephen says your ideas, product and services and marketing needs to be in alignment, they don't have to be perfect." Stephen talks more about this in his You Tube video below.
Saw The Secret on Oprah?
Discover the missing ingredient to
turbocharge the Law of Attraction
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Momentum Mix Music MP3s (Freebie)
Stephen created music incorporating dance music and key lines from his presentations and turned them into some awesome tracks. I love to listen to these when I'm exercising.
You can get the following three tracks for free at his Fundraiser site.
Change - You Are Genetically Engineered to be Successful
Getting There
We Succeeded
If you make a donation you'll get another bonus track. You can't buy these on itunes, you can only get them at this link
Video - You Are Genetically Engineered to Become Successful
If you've got Stephen's awesome music mp3 "You are genetically engineered to become successful" this explains more of the story:
Discover how events on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina can give you a new perspective on success and strengthen your resolve to succeed.
Optimize Radio (Freebie)
Topics (so far) are:
- 7 Ways to Optimize Niche Websites for more profits
- How to Breakthrough to Buzz
- 3 Ways to Optimize your mind for Business Growth
- 3 Ways to Optimize your Personal Performance
- 3 Ways to Optimize Virtual Real Estate on the Internet
Here's what Stephen Pierce has to say about Optimization Series Radio Show podcast community:
Getting started listening to the show and claiming your bonus of my "52 Facts About Marketing" is easy and starts right here.
Just click on the "Subscribe in iTunes with One Click" button on the page (click here) and follow the instructions.
Once you are officially subscribe in iTunes you will see a message scrolling across the top of iTunes when you are playing one of our podcast, that will tell you where to download your bonus of my "52 Facts About Marketing."
Thank you again for joining us and we look forward to providing you with amazing shows, facinating guest, impactful content and an all around great experience to...
"Help you get the most out of what you put into your business."
Optimizing It,
Stephen Pierce
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Favorite Stephen Pierce Quotes (Happy Birthday Mrs Pierce)
Today is also Alica's birthday so Happy Birthday Mrs Pierce! I hope you have had a wonderful time here.
Here are some of the gems from this evening:
Remember, you miss 100% of the time if you don't take the shot.
It's not how hard you can hit, it's how hard you get hit (lose everything etc) and keep moving forward. (Rocky Balboa)
It's not just what you do, it's how you do it.
Having a why, a powerful, compelling reason is the one thing no one can give you.
I knew it was possible but I had no idea how...
Are you focussing on what won't work, what resources you don't have?
Never let what you cannot do stop me from doing what you CAN do!
People keep looking outside themselves for the money. It's inside.
Ask yourself "Where can I win?"
Terrain is the most important element of success.
Life is about Patterns.
How many ways can I capture opportunities for this one product?
The sale process is a system / formula with 4 offers
GOOD free information (the bait)
Offer 1 - $29.97 product
Offer 2 - $47.97 product
Offer 3 - $69.97 product
Offer 4 - $14.97 product
Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
OptiMINDzation... Is it a monthly program?
Eventually I decided to buy Stephen's Optimindzation but I found the link had been hijacked by the so called critics and it no longer showed the bonuses that I was most interested in (Attraction Accelerator, Results Accelerator and Visual Velocity report). So I picked up a tip from one of the critics / competitors, cleared the cookies and found thank goodness I could access his real site again:
Update: I wrote the above last week and held off posting because I wanted to see if I'd receive something from Stephen Pierce that would show whether the monthly cd series was (still?) endorsed by him. It is only now, several weeks later, that I have first seen mention of the monthly audios so I was wrong. I would point out to all those scare mongerers though that I'm glad I didn't listen to them. I'm very glad I got the Attraction Accelerator. I've definitely noticed how much easier it is for me now to visualize what I want or - everything is so much more detailed, moving and in color and is so much less effort too.
Before I thought "oh, I guess I'm just not a visual person". I'm quite strong in the other areas, particularly AD and kinesthetic and I've always had to work at visualizing. Now I just pop on Attractor Activator on my ipod for 30 mins before I go to sleep and let my subconscious be retrained.
Stephen Pierce - Do Not Quit on You (Freebie)
I'm very happy to keep you posted with my testing of Stephen Pierce's Attraction Accelerator. At the end please see the link for REAL
CONTENT from Stephen Pierce - it's motivational, not internet
marketing so it's great for everyone.
Day 2 of using Attraction Accelerator & Attraction Activator and I'm
a little tired but noticing lots of shifts. Lately I'd noticed
myself worrying quite a bit & was relying on willpower to change my
focus, sometimes not all that successfully. Now something has
definitely shifted. I'm still aware of the weeds in my garden but
I'm no longer worrying. YAY! I still want to experiment with this
for a whole week though.
And another thing... When I first listened to the MP3s - especially
the Activator, I felt strangely disorientated and almost nauseaus.
That has now gone.
If you are interested in doing this experiment with me (it costs
only $30)
you can get it at OptiMINDzation Attraction Accelerator
PS Yuri, because you've been a bit disappointed with lack of content from Stephen,
I thought you might like this... it's a report by Stephen "DO NOT
QUIT ON YOU" - I found it very timely after just coming away
from a course. (There's no upsell- it's a gift & I have permission
to share it with friends.)
Stephen Pierce - Do Not Quit On You!
Day 1 review of Stephen Pierce's Attraction Accelerator & Attraction Activator
I just caught up with my friend Warren who arrived back this afternoon from Wealth Mastery. Boy is he on fire now!
For the past few weeks, I'd been raving on to him about Stephen Pierce so I was keen to hear what he thought of him. I was disappointed to hear Warren report that Stephen's presentation was 'just a sales pitch' and that it didn't have any real content. Keep in mind, he also said that he wants to do Stephen's course so it must have had an impact, despite his criticisms.
Warren also mentioned Stephen Pierce had talked about a CD for helping with your mindset and he was disappointed again that it wasn't for sale at WM.
Right away I knew what Warren was talking about, I'd heard about it a few weeks ago and ended up buying it. "It's like my brain has been reformatted" I told him, thus forever sealing my geek-ness reputation (lucky I'm gorgeous, right?!). Still, the reason why I can't stop telling people about it is because I haven't been this enthusiastic and positive since I last did UPW! (For other technology lovers - if you like the Pzizz, then I think you're going to love this - it's far more advanced than Pzizz and uses the latest learning technology.)
Stephen's OptiMINDzation Attraction Accelerator and Attraction Activator are mp3s so you get them straight away (there's some cool bonuses as well). I only bought it yesterday (Wednesday) and noticed a huge shift already today. I seriously think this could be even more powerful than the $15,000 NLP 9 month coaching program I invested in. My plan is to use it every day for the next week - a 7 challenge to see what it really does. I'll let you know what I think of it after a week. As an AD type, I've always found it hard to visualise so it will be interesting to see if this program changes that.
bye for now
Having recently spent 3 days at KnowledgeSource's Internet Marketing Secrets seminar, I recommended a different internet marketer's course to Warren as he really wants to use ebooks to further his passion, coaching. Seeing as Warren's not a geek like I am and all that interested really in search engine optimisation, viral marketing etc, I suggested he check out Chris Guerriero's Best Seller coaching because I believe it's a better fit for him because Chris is big on results and integrity and lots of support to make things happen, he doesn't focus on the internet marketing details which Warren really isn't that interested in.
BTW, I'm not knocking Stephen Pierce's course - far from it, I'm actually so impressed I've signed up to do it myself and he has continued to deliver more than he promised.
PS 2 - If you are interested in doing this experiment with me (it costs
only $30)
you can get it at OptiMINDzation's Attraction Accelerator